Some Background

Michigan became a medical use state in 2008. However, the original legislation – Michigan Medical Marijuana Act – failed to allow for commercial production and sales of medical marijuana to licensed medical marijuana patients. Instead, the state opted for a “Caregiver/Patient” model that allowed licensed medical marijuana caregivers to grow a maximum of twelve (12) cannabis plants for each medical marijuana patient they served – limit of five (5) patients, not including the caregiver her/himself. The original legislation also allows each patient who does not designate a caregiver to grow twelve (12) plants for their medicine. Unfortunately, the State of Michigan did not provide any direction on how medical marijuana patients could find caregivers, nor did it establish any requirements for product safety and testing.
Much has changed since 2008.  The majority of US states and the District of Columbia now have medical marijuana laws in effect. If you live in Michigan, you have likely noticed a rise in cannabis industry news and in the number of dispensaries (“provisioning centers”).  This is because the State of Michigan finally began accepting applications for commercial production and sales of medical marijuana and derivative products in late 2017. Until early 2018, all dispensaries and commercial-sized cannabis grow operations were operating illegally. The purpose of licensing these operations is to 1) assess fees and tax the sale of medical marijuana and derivative products, and 2) regulate product quality and safety.  Having a marijuana card is the only way to access medical marijuana dispensaries and avoid excessive taxes that are placed on recreational marijuana product sales.

3 Steps: Get a Michigan Medical Marijuana Card

vector graphic of michigan medical marijuana patient ID card
how to marijuana card 1Schedule your appointment with a Healthy Partners Medical Marijuana Doctor. To be eligible for a Michigan marijuana card, you first have to receive a formal diagnosis of a “Qualifying Condition”. If you already have this diagnosis, then you should provide your medical records to Healthy Partners. If you have not received a formal diagnosis, Healthy Partners medical marijuana doctors can diagnose your condition quickly.

how to marijuana card 2Have your appointment and receive your physician certification form. This is necessary regardless of whether you have already received your diagnosis for a Qualifying Condition from another physician. We will provide you with all of the documents and instructions you need during your appointment.


how to marijuana doctor3Submit your application to the State of Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency. Patients without a caregiver may submit their application online for faster processing (same day processing available for applications submitted online) On average, it takes two to three weeks to receive your physical Medical Marijuana Patient ID card from the State. The State application fees are separate from the fee for your marijuana doctor appointment.

The benefits of having a Michigan marijuana card cannot be emphasized enough. Your Michigan marijuana card provides legal protection from state prosecution for your use, possession and/or cultivation of cannabis – when you follow the rules outlined in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. It also allows you to purchase medical cannabis and cannabis products from dispensaries much cheaper than recreational cannabis. Schedule your appointment today to get legal.